Us on Decouvertes, stunning images and a very good account of our work
Check us out on the National TV News (Téléjournal - Radio Canada) and on Global News
Our lab and work on Lyme disease appeared in Quebec Science magazine
Our work appeared in Le Devoir: "La maladie de Lyme s'etend au Quebec"
"Ticked Off": Our team is featured in the "Nature of Things", the CBC show hosted by David Suzuki.
Virginie was interviewed for the Radio show Desautels (RDI) and talked about our work on the northern expansion of the white-footed mouse and the consequences for the emergence of Lyme disease in Quebec.
Virginie was interviewed for the TV show "Decouverte | Passion Science". This time, it was not about Lyme disease, but about the importance of museum collections and empirical studies like ours.
Virginie was on the radio! An interview for "Les annees lumieres", a Radio-Canada show taped during the Ouranos annual symposium on climate change last November.
Our work is featured in the TV show Le Code Chastenay; link to the video.
Check us out on the National TV News (Téléjournal - Radio Canada) and on Global News
Our lab and work on Lyme disease appeared in Quebec Science magazine
Our work appeared in Le Devoir: "La maladie de Lyme s'etend au Quebec"
"Ticked Off": Our team is featured in the "Nature of Things", the CBC show hosted by David Suzuki.
Virginie was interviewed for the Radio show Desautels (RDI) and talked about our work on the northern expansion of the white-footed mouse and the consequences for the emergence of Lyme disease in Quebec.
Virginie was interviewed for the TV show "Decouverte | Passion Science". This time, it was not about Lyme disease, but about the importance of museum collections and empirical studies like ours.
Virginie was on the radio! An interview for "Les annees lumieres", a Radio-Canada show taped during the Ouranos annual symposium on climate change last November.
Our work is featured in the TV show Le Code Chastenay; link to the video.