Some of my research topics: Island, Rodents, Competition
Millien V, Stafiej N, Felix F, Guzman H (2025) Migratory behaviour oh humpback whales in Southeastern Pacific under climate change. Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-025-87489-4
Millien V, Truchon F, St-Laurent MH (2024) White-tailed deer limit their spatio-temporal overlap with hikers in a protected area. Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-024-84000-3
Martinez JJ, Millien V, Coda JA, Priotto J (2024) Dietary and habitat use (non)specializations contribute to shaping the craniomandibular variation and developmental instability in rodent community. Journal of Zoology 10.1111/jzo.13244
Fellin E, Varin M, Millien V (2024) Outdoor workers knowledge of ticks and Lyme disease in Quebec. Zoonoses and Public Health 11.1111/zph.13167
Millien V, Zhan C, Li Y, Wang J, Wang Y (2024) A global assessment of nestedness pattern in insular mammal assemblages. Global Ecology and Biogeography 11.1111/geb.13885
Crandall K, Millien V, Kerr JT (2024) High-resolution environmental and hosts-related factors impacting questing Ixodes scapularis at their northern range edge. Ecology and Evolution 10.1002/ece3.10855
Crandall K, Kerr J, Millien V (2024) Pathogen presence, prevalence, and diversity in Ixodes scapularis and mammal hosts at their expanding northern range limits. Frontiers in Parasitology 2: 1272790
Diamond J, Humphries MM, Millien V (2024) Chipping in: Functional morphology of the American beaver under range expansion. Journal of Zoology 322: 251-260 link
Crandall K, Millien V, Kerr JT (2024) Historical associations and spatiotemporal trends of pathogen presence in ticks in Canada: a systematic review. Zoonoses and Public Health 71: 18-33 link
Fellin E, Varin M, Millien V (2023) Risky business: Human exposure data is lacking from Lyme disease risk models. Frontiers in Public Health 11:1113024 link
Millien V, Turney S, Leo ST, Gonzalez A (2023) It's about time: small mammal communities and Lyme disease emergence. Scientific Reports 13: 14513 link
Crandall K, Olson LE, Millien V (2023) Rocky rules: the idiosyncrasy of spatial and temporal size variation in mammals. Journal of Mammalogy 104:1216-1224 link
Wang, Y, Chen C, Millien V (2023) The integration of the small-island effect and nestedness pattern. Journal of Biogeography 50: 1234-1243 link
Juman M, Millien V, Olson LEO, Sargis EJ (2022) Recent and rapid ecogeographical rule reversals in Northern Treeshrews. Scientific Reports 12: 19689. link
Crandall K, Kerr JT, Millien V (2022) Emerging tick-borne pathogens in central Canada: Recent detections of B. odocoilei and R. rickettsia. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 22: 535-544. link
Hebert K, Millien V, Lessard JP (2021) Source pool diversity and proximity shape the compositional uniqueness of insular mammal assemblages worldwide. Journal of Biogeography 48: 2337-2349. link
Andre A, Gaitan J, Michaux J, Millien V (2021) Long-term stress level in a small mammal species undergoing range expansion. Mammalia 85: 296-305. link
Garcia-Elfring A, Barrett R, Millien V (2019) Genomic signatures of selection along a climatic gradient in the northern range margin of the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus). Journal of Heredity 110: 684-695. link
Wang Y, Chen C, Millien V (2018) A global synthesis of the small-island effect in habitat islands. Proc. R. Soc. B 285 : 20181868. link
Sargis EJ, Millien V, Woodman N, Olson LE. (2018). Rule reversals: patterns of body size variation in the common treeshrew (Mammalia, Scandentia). Ecology and Evolution 8: 1634-1645. link
Marrotte R, Gonzalez A, Millien V (2017) Functional connectivity of the white-footed mouse in Southern Quebec. Landscape Ecology 32: 1987-1998. link
Millien V, Ledevin R, Boue C, Gonzalez A (2017) Rapid morphological divergence in two similar co-occurring species over 50 years. Evolutionary Ecology 31: 847-864. link
Garcia-Elfring A, Barrett R, Combs M, Davies J, Munshi-South J, Millien V (2017) Admixture on the northern front: population genomics of range expansion in the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) and evidence of introgression from the deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus). Heredity 119: 447-458. link
Andre A, Millien V, Galan M, Ribas A, Michaux J (2017) Effects of parasite and historic driven selection on the diversity and structure of a MHC-II gene in a small mammal species (Peromyscus leucopus) undergoing range expansion. Evolutionary Ecology 31:785-801. link
Andre A, Mouton A, Millien V, Michaux J (2017) Liver microbiome of Peromyscus leucopus, a key reservoir host species for emerging infectious diseases in North America. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 52: 10-18. link
Xu A, Han X, Zhang X, Millien V, Wang Y (2017) Nestedness of butterfly assemblages in the Zhoushan Archipelago, China: area effects, life-history traits and conservation implications. Biodiversity and Conservation 26: 1375-1392. link
Leo ST, Gonzalez A, Millien V (2017). The genetic signature of range expansion in a disease vector - the black-legged tick. Journal of Heredity 108: 176-183. link
Leo ST, Millien V (2016) Microsatellite markers reveal low frequency of natural hybridization between the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) and deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) in southern Quebec, Canada. Genome 60:454-463. link
Wang Y, Millien V, Ding P (2016). On empty islands and the small-island effect. Global Ecology and Biogeography 25: 1333-1345. link
Gaitan J, Millien V (2016). Stress level, parasite load, and movement pattern in a small mammal reservoir host for Lyme disease. Canadian Journal of Zoology 94: 565-573. link
Leo ST, Gonzalez A, Millien V (2016). Multi-Taxa Integrated Landscape Genetics for Emerging Infectious Diseases: Deciphering variables influencing zoonotic disease emergence based on population and landscape genetics. Genome 59(5): 349-361. link
Fiset J, Tessier N, Millien V, Lapointe F-J (2015) Phylogeographic structure of the White-footed mouse and the Deer mouse, two Lyme disease reserve hosts in Québec. PloS One 10(12): e0144112. link
Turney S, Gonzalez A, Millien V (2014) The negative relationship between mammal host diversity and Lyme disease incidence strengthens through time. Ecology 95: 3244-3250. link
Marrotte R, Gonzalez A, Millien V (2014) Landscape resistance and habitat combine to provide an optimal model of genetic structure and connectivity at the range margin of a small mammal. Molecular Ecology 23: 3983-3998. link
Vander Wal E, Garant D, Calmé S, Chapman CA, Festa-Bianchet M, Rioux-Paquette S, Millien V, Pelletier F (2014) Applying evolutionary concepts to wildlife disease ecology and management. Evolutionary Applications 7: 856-868. link
Simon JA, Marrotte RR, Desrosiers N, Fiset J, Gaitan J, Gonzalez A, Koffi JK, Lapointe F-J, Leighton PA, Lindsay LR, Logan T, Milord F, Ogden NH, Rogic A, Roy-Dufresne E, Suter D, Tessier N, Millien V (2014) Climate change and habitat fragmentation drive the occurrence of B. burgdorferi, the agent of Lyme disease, at the northern limit of its distribution. Evolutionary Applications 7: 750-764. link
the paper above was featured in the ESA journal Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. link
Martinez JJ, Millien V, Simone I, Priotto JW (2014) Ecological preference between generalist and specialist rodents: spatial and environmental correlates of phenotypic variation. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 112: 180-203. link.
Souto-Lima RB, Millien V (2014) The influence of environmental factors on the morphology of red-backed voles Myodes gapperi (Rodentia, Arvicolinae) in Quebec and Western Labrador. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 112: 204-218. link
Roy-Dufresne E, Logan T, Simon JA, Chmura G, Millien V (2013) Poleward expansion of the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) under climate change: implications for the spread of Lyme disease. PloS One 8(11): e80724. link
Teplitsky C, Millien V. (2013) Climate warming and Bergmann's rule through time: is there any evidence? Evolutionary Applications 7(1): 156-168. link
Ledevin R, Millien V (2013) Congruent morphological and genetic differentiation as a signature of range expansion in a fragmented landscape. Ecology and Evolution 3(12): 4172-4182. link
Rogic A, Tessier N, Legendre P, Lapointe F-J, Millien V (2013) Genetic structure of the white-footed mouse in the context of the emergence of Lyme disease in southern Québec. Ecology and Evolution 3(7): 2075-2088. link.
Mechai S, Feil EJ, Gariepy TD, Gregory TR, Lindsay LR, Millien V, Ogden NH (2013) Investigation of the population structure of the tick vector of Lyme disease Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) in Canada using mitochondrial Cytochrome C Oxidase subunit I gene sequences. Journal of Medical Entomology 50(3): 560-570. link.
Hendry AP, Millien V, Gonzalez A, Larsson HCE (2012) How humans influence evolution on adaptive landscapes. In The Adaptive Landscape in Evolutionary Biology, Svensson, E. & Calsbeek, R. (eds). pp. 180-197. link.
Millien V, Gonzalez A (2011) The maximal body mass-area relation in island mammals. Journal of Biogeography, 38: 2278-2285. link.
Millien V (2011) Mammals evolve faster on smaller islands. Evolution 65(7): 1935-1944. link.
Millien V, Bovy H (2010) When teeth and bone disagree: body-mass estimation of a giant extinct rodent. Journal of Mammalogy, 91(1): 11-18. link.
Millien V (2008) The largest among the smallest: the body mass of the giant rodent Josephoartigasia monesi. Proc. R. Soc. B, 275:1953-55. link.
Millien V (2007) Spurious or Island Effect? A Response to J. A. Perez-Claros and J. C. Aledo’s Comment on “Morphological Evolution Is Accelerated among Island Mammals”. PloS Biology, 5(7): e176. link.
Millien V (2006) Morphological Evolution is Accelerated among Island Mammals. PloS Biology, 4(10):e321. link.
Millien V, Lyons SK, Olson L, Smith FA, Wilson AB, Yom-Tov Y (2006) Ecotypic variation in the context of global climate change: revisiting the rules. Ecology Letters, 9: 853–869. link.
Millien V, Damuth J (2004) Climate change and size evolution in an island rodent species: new perspectives on the island rule. Evolution, 58:1353-1360. link.
Millien V (2004) Relative effects of climate change, isolation and competition on body size evolution in the Japanese field mouse Apodemus argenteus. Journal of Biogeography, 31:1267-1276. link.
Denys C, Lecompte E, Granjon L, Baylac M, Cordeiro P, Cornette R, Dobigny G, Fichet-Calvet E, Hugot J-P, Meslage C, Millien V, Petrillo P, Volobouev V, Welz M (2003) Integrative systematics: the importance of combining various techniques for increasing knowledge of African murinae. In: Singleton, G. R., Hinds, L. A., Krebs, C. J. & Spratt, D. M. (eds) Rats, mice and people: rodent biology and management : 499-506. link.
Millien V, Jaeger J-J (2001) Size evolution of the lower incisor of Microtia, a genus of endemic murine rodents from the late Neogene of Gargano, Southern Italy. Paleobiology, 27: 379-391. link.
Renaud S, Millien V (2001) Intra- and interspecific morphological variation in the field mouse species Apodemus argenteus and A. speciosus in the Japanese archipelago: the role of insular isolation and biogeographic gradients. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 74: 557-569. link.
Millien-Parra V, Loreau M (2000) Community composition and size structure of murid rodents in relation to the biogeography of the Japanese archipelago. Ecography, 23: 413-423. link.
Millien-Parra V (2000) Species differentiation among muroid rodents on the basis of their lower incisor size and shape: ecological and taxonomical implications. Mammalia, 64: 221-239. link.
Millien-Parra V (2000) The evolution of Microtia Freudenthal, 1976 (Mammalia, Rodentia), an endemic genus from the neogene of the Gargano island, Southern Italy. Bonn. Zool. Monogr., 46: 381-389.
Millien-Parra V, Jaeger J-J (1999) Island biogeography of the Japanese terrestrial mammal assemblage: an example of a relict fauna. Journal of Biogeography, 26: 959-972. link.
Parra-Millien V, Loreau M, Jaeger J-J (1999) Incisor size and community structure in rodents: two tests of the role of competition. Acta Oecologica, 20: 93-101. link.
Parra-Millien V, Bocherens H, Jaeger J-J (1999) The skull of Microtia, an extinct burrowing murine rodent of the late Neogene Gargano palaeoisland. Lethaia, 32: 89-100. link.
Parra-Millien V, Jaeger J-J (1998) Estimation de la taille et du poids corporel chez les rongeurs (Rodentia, Mammalia) a partir de la taille des incisives. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, Paris, Serie IIa, Sciences de la Terre et des Planetes, 326: 79-85. link.
Millien V, Truchon F, St-Laurent MH (2024) White-tailed deer limit their spatio-temporal overlap with hikers in a protected area. Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-024-84000-3
Martinez JJ, Millien V, Coda JA, Priotto J (2024) Dietary and habitat use (non)specializations contribute to shaping the craniomandibular variation and developmental instability in rodent community. Journal of Zoology 10.1111/jzo.13244
Fellin E, Varin M, Millien V (2024) Outdoor workers knowledge of ticks and Lyme disease in Quebec. Zoonoses and Public Health 11.1111/zph.13167
Millien V, Zhan C, Li Y, Wang J, Wang Y (2024) A global assessment of nestedness pattern in insular mammal assemblages. Global Ecology and Biogeography 11.1111/geb.13885
Crandall K, Millien V, Kerr JT (2024) High-resolution environmental and hosts-related factors impacting questing Ixodes scapularis at their northern range edge. Ecology and Evolution 10.1002/ece3.10855
Crandall K, Kerr J, Millien V (2024) Pathogen presence, prevalence, and diversity in Ixodes scapularis and mammal hosts at their expanding northern range limits. Frontiers in Parasitology 2: 1272790
Diamond J, Humphries MM, Millien V (2024) Chipping in: Functional morphology of the American beaver under range expansion. Journal of Zoology 322: 251-260 link
Crandall K, Millien V, Kerr JT (2024) Historical associations and spatiotemporal trends of pathogen presence in ticks in Canada: a systematic review. Zoonoses and Public Health 71: 18-33 link
Fellin E, Varin M, Millien V (2023) Risky business: Human exposure data is lacking from Lyme disease risk models. Frontiers in Public Health 11:1113024 link
Millien V, Turney S, Leo ST, Gonzalez A (2023) It's about time: small mammal communities and Lyme disease emergence. Scientific Reports 13: 14513 link
Crandall K, Olson LE, Millien V (2023) Rocky rules: the idiosyncrasy of spatial and temporal size variation in mammals. Journal of Mammalogy 104:1216-1224 link
Wang, Y, Chen C, Millien V (2023) The integration of the small-island effect and nestedness pattern. Journal of Biogeography 50: 1234-1243 link
Juman M, Millien V, Olson LEO, Sargis EJ (2022) Recent and rapid ecogeographical rule reversals in Northern Treeshrews. Scientific Reports 12: 19689. link
Crandall K, Kerr JT, Millien V (2022) Emerging tick-borne pathogens in central Canada: Recent detections of B. odocoilei and R. rickettsia. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 22: 535-544. link
Hebert K, Millien V, Lessard JP (2021) Source pool diversity and proximity shape the compositional uniqueness of insular mammal assemblages worldwide. Journal of Biogeography 48: 2337-2349. link
Andre A, Gaitan J, Michaux J, Millien V (2021) Long-term stress level in a small mammal species undergoing range expansion. Mammalia 85: 296-305. link
Garcia-Elfring A, Barrett R, Millien V (2019) Genomic signatures of selection along a climatic gradient in the northern range margin of the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus). Journal of Heredity 110: 684-695. link
Wang Y, Chen C, Millien V (2018) A global synthesis of the small-island effect in habitat islands. Proc. R. Soc. B 285 : 20181868. link
Sargis EJ, Millien V, Woodman N, Olson LE. (2018). Rule reversals: patterns of body size variation in the common treeshrew (Mammalia, Scandentia). Ecology and Evolution 8: 1634-1645. link
Marrotte R, Gonzalez A, Millien V (2017) Functional connectivity of the white-footed mouse in Southern Quebec. Landscape Ecology 32: 1987-1998. link
Millien V, Ledevin R, Boue C, Gonzalez A (2017) Rapid morphological divergence in two similar co-occurring species over 50 years. Evolutionary Ecology 31: 847-864. link
Garcia-Elfring A, Barrett R, Combs M, Davies J, Munshi-South J, Millien V (2017) Admixture on the northern front: population genomics of range expansion in the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) and evidence of introgression from the deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus). Heredity 119: 447-458. link
Andre A, Millien V, Galan M, Ribas A, Michaux J (2017) Effects of parasite and historic driven selection on the diversity and structure of a MHC-II gene in a small mammal species (Peromyscus leucopus) undergoing range expansion. Evolutionary Ecology 31:785-801. link
Andre A, Mouton A, Millien V, Michaux J (2017) Liver microbiome of Peromyscus leucopus, a key reservoir host species for emerging infectious diseases in North America. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 52: 10-18. link
Xu A, Han X, Zhang X, Millien V, Wang Y (2017) Nestedness of butterfly assemblages in the Zhoushan Archipelago, China: area effects, life-history traits and conservation implications. Biodiversity and Conservation 26: 1375-1392. link
Leo ST, Gonzalez A, Millien V (2017). The genetic signature of range expansion in a disease vector - the black-legged tick. Journal of Heredity 108: 176-183. link
Leo ST, Millien V (2016) Microsatellite markers reveal low frequency of natural hybridization between the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) and deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) in southern Quebec, Canada. Genome 60:454-463. link
Wang Y, Millien V, Ding P (2016). On empty islands and the small-island effect. Global Ecology and Biogeography 25: 1333-1345. link
Gaitan J, Millien V (2016). Stress level, parasite load, and movement pattern in a small mammal reservoir host for Lyme disease. Canadian Journal of Zoology 94: 565-573. link
Leo ST, Gonzalez A, Millien V (2016). Multi-Taxa Integrated Landscape Genetics for Emerging Infectious Diseases: Deciphering variables influencing zoonotic disease emergence based on population and landscape genetics. Genome 59(5): 349-361. link
Fiset J, Tessier N, Millien V, Lapointe F-J (2015) Phylogeographic structure of the White-footed mouse and the Deer mouse, two Lyme disease reserve hosts in Québec. PloS One 10(12): e0144112. link
Turney S, Gonzalez A, Millien V (2014) The negative relationship between mammal host diversity and Lyme disease incidence strengthens through time. Ecology 95: 3244-3250. link
Marrotte R, Gonzalez A, Millien V (2014) Landscape resistance and habitat combine to provide an optimal model of genetic structure and connectivity at the range margin of a small mammal. Molecular Ecology 23: 3983-3998. link
Vander Wal E, Garant D, Calmé S, Chapman CA, Festa-Bianchet M, Rioux-Paquette S, Millien V, Pelletier F (2014) Applying evolutionary concepts to wildlife disease ecology and management. Evolutionary Applications 7: 856-868. link
Simon JA, Marrotte RR, Desrosiers N, Fiset J, Gaitan J, Gonzalez A, Koffi JK, Lapointe F-J, Leighton PA, Lindsay LR, Logan T, Milord F, Ogden NH, Rogic A, Roy-Dufresne E, Suter D, Tessier N, Millien V (2014) Climate change and habitat fragmentation drive the occurrence of B. burgdorferi, the agent of Lyme disease, at the northern limit of its distribution. Evolutionary Applications 7: 750-764. link
the paper above was featured in the ESA journal Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. link
Martinez JJ, Millien V, Simone I, Priotto JW (2014) Ecological preference between generalist and specialist rodents: spatial and environmental correlates of phenotypic variation. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 112: 180-203. link.
Souto-Lima RB, Millien V (2014) The influence of environmental factors on the morphology of red-backed voles Myodes gapperi (Rodentia, Arvicolinae) in Quebec and Western Labrador. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 112: 204-218. link
Roy-Dufresne E, Logan T, Simon JA, Chmura G, Millien V (2013) Poleward expansion of the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) under climate change: implications for the spread of Lyme disease. PloS One 8(11): e80724. link
Teplitsky C, Millien V. (2013) Climate warming and Bergmann's rule through time: is there any evidence? Evolutionary Applications 7(1): 156-168. link
Ledevin R, Millien V (2013) Congruent morphological and genetic differentiation as a signature of range expansion in a fragmented landscape. Ecology and Evolution 3(12): 4172-4182. link
Rogic A, Tessier N, Legendre P, Lapointe F-J, Millien V (2013) Genetic structure of the white-footed mouse in the context of the emergence of Lyme disease in southern Québec. Ecology and Evolution 3(7): 2075-2088. link.
Mechai S, Feil EJ, Gariepy TD, Gregory TR, Lindsay LR, Millien V, Ogden NH (2013) Investigation of the population structure of the tick vector of Lyme disease Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) in Canada using mitochondrial Cytochrome C Oxidase subunit I gene sequences. Journal of Medical Entomology 50(3): 560-570. link.
Hendry AP, Millien V, Gonzalez A, Larsson HCE (2012) How humans influence evolution on adaptive landscapes. In The Adaptive Landscape in Evolutionary Biology, Svensson, E. & Calsbeek, R. (eds). pp. 180-197. link.
Millien V, Gonzalez A (2011) The maximal body mass-area relation in island mammals. Journal of Biogeography, 38: 2278-2285. link.
Millien V (2011) Mammals evolve faster on smaller islands. Evolution 65(7): 1935-1944. link.
Millien V, Bovy H (2010) When teeth and bone disagree: body-mass estimation of a giant extinct rodent. Journal of Mammalogy, 91(1): 11-18. link.
Millien V (2008) The largest among the smallest: the body mass of the giant rodent Josephoartigasia monesi. Proc. R. Soc. B, 275:1953-55. link.
Millien V (2007) Spurious or Island Effect? A Response to J. A. Perez-Claros and J. C. Aledo’s Comment on “Morphological Evolution Is Accelerated among Island Mammals”. PloS Biology, 5(7): e176. link.
Millien V (2006) Morphological Evolution is Accelerated among Island Mammals. PloS Biology, 4(10):e321. link.
Millien V, Lyons SK, Olson L, Smith FA, Wilson AB, Yom-Tov Y (2006) Ecotypic variation in the context of global climate change: revisiting the rules. Ecology Letters, 9: 853–869. link.
Millien V, Damuth J (2004) Climate change and size evolution in an island rodent species: new perspectives on the island rule. Evolution, 58:1353-1360. link.
Millien V (2004) Relative effects of climate change, isolation and competition on body size evolution in the Japanese field mouse Apodemus argenteus. Journal of Biogeography, 31:1267-1276. link.
Denys C, Lecompte E, Granjon L, Baylac M, Cordeiro P, Cornette R, Dobigny G, Fichet-Calvet E, Hugot J-P, Meslage C, Millien V, Petrillo P, Volobouev V, Welz M (2003) Integrative systematics: the importance of combining various techniques for increasing knowledge of African murinae. In: Singleton, G. R., Hinds, L. A., Krebs, C. J. & Spratt, D. M. (eds) Rats, mice and people: rodent biology and management : 499-506. link.
Millien V, Jaeger J-J (2001) Size evolution of the lower incisor of Microtia, a genus of endemic murine rodents from the late Neogene of Gargano, Southern Italy. Paleobiology, 27: 379-391. link.
Renaud S, Millien V (2001) Intra- and interspecific morphological variation in the field mouse species Apodemus argenteus and A. speciosus in the Japanese archipelago: the role of insular isolation and biogeographic gradients. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 74: 557-569. link.
Millien-Parra V, Loreau M (2000) Community composition and size structure of murid rodents in relation to the biogeography of the Japanese archipelago. Ecography, 23: 413-423. link.
Millien-Parra V (2000) Species differentiation among muroid rodents on the basis of their lower incisor size and shape: ecological and taxonomical implications. Mammalia, 64: 221-239. link.
Millien-Parra V (2000) The evolution of Microtia Freudenthal, 1976 (Mammalia, Rodentia), an endemic genus from the neogene of the Gargano island, Southern Italy. Bonn. Zool. Monogr., 46: 381-389.
Millien-Parra V, Jaeger J-J (1999) Island biogeography of the Japanese terrestrial mammal assemblage: an example of a relict fauna. Journal of Biogeography, 26: 959-972. link.
Parra-Millien V, Loreau M, Jaeger J-J (1999) Incisor size and community structure in rodents: two tests of the role of competition. Acta Oecologica, 20: 93-101. link.
Parra-Millien V, Bocherens H, Jaeger J-J (1999) The skull of Microtia, an extinct burrowing murine rodent of the late Neogene Gargano palaeoisland. Lethaia, 32: 89-100. link.
Parra-Millien V, Jaeger J-J (1998) Estimation de la taille et du poids corporel chez les rongeurs (Rodentia, Mammalia) a partir de la taille des incisives. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, Paris, Serie IIa, Sciences de la Terre et des Planetes, 326: 79-85. link.