The mice, essential members of the lab
photo V. Millien, August 2014
photo V. Millien, August 2014
Welcome to the Millien lab!
As a group, we are committed to fostering a living and learning environment that is equitable, diverse, and inclusive. I respect and value our diverse abilities, backgrounds, cultures, perspectives and beliefs and aim at creating a safe working environment in which each of us can strive and grow.
Bellow is a snapshot of our past and current research. Please, contact me by email if you would like to learn more about us and what we do, and/or get involved. Je parle Français !
As a group, we are committed to fostering a living and learning environment that is equitable, diverse, and inclusive. I respect and value our diverse abilities, backgrounds, cultures, perspectives and beliefs and aim at creating a safe working environment in which each of us can strive and grow.
Bellow is a snapshot of our past and current research. Please, contact me by email if you would like to learn more about us and what we do, and/or get involved. Je parle Français !
Current Lab Members (humans)
About Me
I grew up and studied in France, and moved to Canada in 2003 when I joined McGill as a post-doctoral fellow. I obtained a Bachelor of Science in Earth Sciences from the University of Paris VI and then spent time between Paris and Montpellier during grad school. I was lucky for my PhD, to be co-supervised by two great scientists, Profs. Jean-Jacques Jaeger and Michel Loreau and to work with John Damuth for my post-doc at UCSB. Inspired by them, and ever since then, I am bringing my geology and paleontology background into my research on the effects of environmental change on biodiversity.
C.V. |

Erica Fellin
PhD candidate (2021 - present), collaboration with the CERFO (Centre d'Enseignement et
de Recherche en Foresterie) and the MELCC (Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Lutte contre les Changements Climatiques)
Erica is working on modeling the risk to acquire Lyme disease for workers (e.g. forestry, agriculture etc) and how to mitigate this risk
PhD candidate (2021 - present), collaboration with the CERFO (Centre d'Enseignement et
de Recherche en Foresterie) and the MELCC (Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Lutte contre les Changements Climatiques)
Erica is working on modeling the risk to acquire Lyme disease for workers (e.g. forestry, agriculture etc) and how to mitigate this risk
Kelsey Wilson
MSc candidate (2022 - present), co-supervision with Roberto Ibanez, STRI, Panama
For her project, Kelsey will perform a mesocosm experiment to evaluate the effect of species diversity and population density on the prevalence of the cythrid fungus in a critically endangered species of frog, the Harlequin frog. This species is maintained in captivity through breeding programs to rescue this species! With her MSc work, Kelsey will contribute to the development of the program for re-introducting this species in the wild.
MSc candidate (2022 - present), co-supervision with Roberto Ibanez, STRI, Panama
For her project, Kelsey will perform a mesocosm experiment to evaluate the effect of species diversity and population density on the prevalence of the cythrid fungus in a critically endangered species of frog, the Harlequin frog. This species is maintained in captivity through breeding programs to rescue this species! With her MSc work, Kelsey will contribute to the development of the program for re-introducting this species in the wild.
Photos: Manchester University
Former grad students & post-doc
Kirsten Crandall - PhD Biology (2018 - 2023), co-supervision with Jeremy Kerr, U. Ottawa
The impact of biotic and abiotic factors on the tick-host-pathogen disease systems in Canada
Kari Hollett - MSc Biology (2021 - 2023)
The direct and indirect effects of white-tailed deer on black-legged ticks
Jonathan Diamond - MSc Biology (2020 - 2022)
Chipping in: variation in functional diversity of the North American Beaver (Castor canadensis) during distribution range expansion
Cassia Foley - MSc Biology (2018 - 2021), co-supervision with Hector Guzmann, STRI Panama
Movement behaviour in the Humpback Whale in a changing climate
Frederique Truchon - MSc Biology (2018 - 2021)
Finding common ground: how hikers influence white-tailed deer space-use patterns in a UNESCO biosphere reserve
Jihane Benbahtane - MSc Biology (2018 - 2021), co-supervision with Henri Valles, UWI Cave Hill in Barbados
Parrotfish distribution and feeding behaviour in a fringing reef of Barbados
Kirsten Crandall - MSc Biology (2016 - 2018)
Effect of species interactions and intraspecific variation on biodiversity under climate change: application to emerging infectious diseases.
Julia Nordlund - MSc Biology (2015 - 2017)
Using multi-species niche modeling to assess the effect of climate warming on Quebec biodiversity.
Katherine Hebert - MSc Biology at Concordia, NSERC CGSM & FRQNT Scholar (2015 - 2017), co-supervision with J.P. Lessard
Community structure of island mammals: the effect of abiotic and biotic factors.
Alan Garcia-Elfring - MSc Biology (2015 - 2017)
Detecting the signature of range expansion.
Adrien André - PhD Biologie, Universite de Liege, Belgique, FRIA Doctorate Scholarship (2013 - 2017), cosupervision with Johan Michaux
Stress level associated with range expansion, using a number of methods on samples of white-footed mouse collected along a latitudinal transect in Southern Quebec. Adrien is working half of the year in Belgium and France, and the other half with us, at McGill.
Sarah Leo - PhD Biology, NSERC CGSD Scholar (2012-2016), co-supervision with Andrew Gonzalez, Dept. of Biology, McGill
Integrated landscape genetics of the Lyme disease vector – Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) in Southern Quebec.
Jorge Gaitan - MSc Biology (2012-2014)
The effects of parasite load and stress level on the movement and dispersal patterns of the white-footed mouse within a fragmented landscape.
Shaun Turney - MSc Biology, NSERC CGSM Scholar (2012-2014), co-supervision with Andrew Gonzalez, Dept. of Biology, McGill
The effect of mammal diversity in forest patches on the emergence of Lyme disease in southern Quebec
Ronan Ledevin - Post-doctoral Fellow (2013)
Phenotypic variation in two coexisting species of Peromyscus in Southern Quebec.
Robby Marrotte - MSc Biology - FQRNT Bourse de maitrise, (2011 - 2013), co-supervision with Andrew Gonzalez, Dept. of Biology, McGill
Connectivity and habitat use by Peromyscus leucopus in a fragmented landscape in Southern Quebec.
Web page:; Robby is doing his PhD research here
Emilie Roy-Dufresne - MSc Geography (2010 - 2013), co-supervision with Gail Chmura, Dept. of Geography, McGill
Habitat and range expansion of Peromyscus species in Quebec in the context of climate warming.
Jessica Fiset - MSc Biology (UdM) (2011 - 2013), co-supervision with Francois-Joseph Lapointe, UdM
Comparative phylogeography of the white-footed mouse and black-legged tick in Southern Quebec.
Juan Martinez - Post-doctoral Fellow - Conicet (2012)
Craniometric differentiation of sigmodontines rodents in fragmented environments.
Juan is now a CONICET researcher at the university of Rio Cuarto, Cordoba, Argentina
Rodrigo Lima - MSc Biology - NSERC CGSM Scholar and FQRNT Bourse de maitrise en recherche (2010 - 2012)
Patterns of morphological and genetic variation in space (across Quebec) and time (over the last 50 years) in the red-backed vole Myodes gapperi.
Anita Rogic - MSc Biology (2010 - 2012), co-supervision Francois-Joseph Lapointe, UdM
Combined effects of climate warming and habitat deterioration on the morphological and genetic evolution in the white-footed mouse in Southern Quebec.
Anita has a cool web page here
The impact of biotic and abiotic factors on the tick-host-pathogen disease systems in Canada
Kari Hollett - MSc Biology (2021 - 2023)
The direct and indirect effects of white-tailed deer on black-legged ticks
Jonathan Diamond - MSc Biology (2020 - 2022)
Chipping in: variation in functional diversity of the North American Beaver (Castor canadensis) during distribution range expansion
Cassia Foley - MSc Biology (2018 - 2021), co-supervision with Hector Guzmann, STRI Panama
Movement behaviour in the Humpback Whale in a changing climate
Frederique Truchon - MSc Biology (2018 - 2021)
Finding common ground: how hikers influence white-tailed deer space-use patterns in a UNESCO biosphere reserve
Jihane Benbahtane - MSc Biology (2018 - 2021), co-supervision with Henri Valles, UWI Cave Hill in Barbados
Parrotfish distribution and feeding behaviour in a fringing reef of Barbados
Kirsten Crandall - MSc Biology (2016 - 2018)
Effect of species interactions and intraspecific variation on biodiversity under climate change: application to emerging infectious diseases.
Julia Nordlund - MSc Biology (2015 - 2017)
Using multi-species niche modeling to assess the effect of climate warming on Quebec biodiversity.
Katherine Hebert - MSc Biology at Concordia, NSERC CGSM & FRQNT Scholar (2015 - 2017), co-supervision with J.P. Lessard
Community structure of island mammals: the effect of abiotic and biotic factors.
Alan Garcia-Elfring - MSc Biology (2015 - 2017)
Detecting the signature of range expansion.
Adrien André - PhD Biologie, Universite de Liege, Belgique, FRIA Doctorate Scholarship (2013 - 2017), cosupervision with Johan Michaux
Stress level associated with range expansion, using a number of methods on samples of white-footed mouse collected along a latitudinal transect in Southern Quebec. Adrien is working half of the year in Belgium and France, and the other half with us, at McGill.
Sarah Leo - PhD Biology, NSERC CGSD Scholar (2012-2016), co-supervision with Andrew Gonzalez, Dept. of Biology, McGill
Integrated landscape genetics of the Lyme disease vector – Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) in Southern Quebec.
Jorge Gaitan - MSc Biology (2012-2014)
The effects of parasite load and stress level on the movement and dispersal patterns of the white-footed mouse within a fragmented landscape.
Shaun Turney - MSc Biology, NSERC CGSM Scholar (2012-2014), co-supervision with Andrew Gonzalez, Dept. of Biology, McGill
The effect of mammal diversity in forest patches on the emergence of Lyme disease in southern Quebec
Ronan Ledevin - Post-doctoral Fellow (2013)
Phenotypic variation in two coexisting species of Peromyscus in Southern Quebec.
Robby Marrotte - MSc Biology - FQRNT Bourse de maitrise, (2011 - 2013), co-supervision with Andrew Gonzalez, Dept. of Biology, McGill
Connectivity and habitat use by Peromyscus leucopus in a fragmented landscape in Southern Quebec.
Web page:; Robby is doing his PhD research here
Emilie Roy-Dufresne - MSc Geography (2010 - 2013), co-supervision with Gail Chmura, Dept. of Geography, McGill
Habitat and range expansion of Peromyscus species in Quebec in the context of climate warming.
Jessica Fiset - MSc Biology (UdM) (2011 - 2013), co-supervision with Francois-Joseph Lapointe, UdM
Comparative phylogeography of the white-footed mouse and black-legged tick in Southern Quebec.
Juan Martinez - Post-doctoral Fellow - Conicet (2012)
Craniometric differentiation of sigmodontines rodents in fragmented environments.
Juan is now a CONICET researcher at the university of Rio Cuarto, Cordoba, Argentina
Rodrigo Lima - MSc Biology - NSERC CGSM Scholar and FQRNT Bourse de maitrise en recherche (2010 - 2012)
Patterns of morphological and genetic variation in space (across Quebec) and time (over the last 50 years) in the red-backed vole Myodes gapperi.
Anita Rogic - MSc Biology (2010 - 2012), co-supervision Francois-Joseph Lapointe, UdM
Combined effects of climate warming and habitat deterioration on the morphological and genetic evolution in the white-footed mouse in Southern Quebec.
Anita has a cool web page here
Master interns from France
Coline Verot, Master Ecology and Evolution, Université Paris VI (2020). Morphological variation in Microtus arvalis on Atlantic islands off the coast of France.
Joseph Janiaud, Master Biodiversity and Environment, Université Paris Sciences & Lettres (2020). Evaluating the effect of the public traffic on the pattern of deer abundance at the Gault Nature Reserve.
Julie Simon - Master Ecology, Biodiversity and Evolution, Universite Montpellier II, France (2013). Modeling the risk of Lyme disease using climate, landscape, ticks and mouse data. Julie is currently working on her PhD project at the Universite de Reims, France
Cedric Boué - Master Systematique et Evolution, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France (2013). Morphological discrimination between the white-footed and the deer mouse.
Marion Chevrinais - Master Ecologie et Evolution, Universite de Poitiers, France (2011). Fluctuating Asymetry variation in Myodes gapperi along a latitudinal transect in Quebec.
Joseph Janiaud, Master Biodiversity and Environment, Université Paris Sciences & Lettres (2020). Evaluating the effect of the public traffic on the pattern of deer abundance at the Gault Nature Reserve.
Julie Simon - Master Ecology, Biodiversity and Evolution, Universite Montpellier II, France (2013). Modeling the risk of Lyme disease using climate, landscape, ticks and mouse data. Julie is currently working on her PhD project at the Universite de Reims, France
Cedric Boué - Master Systematique et Evolution, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France (2013). Morphological discrimination between the white-footed and the deer mouse.
Marion Chevrinais - Master Ecologie et Evolution, Universite de Poitiers, France (2011). Fluctuating Asymetry variation in Myodes gapperi along a latitudinal transect in Quebec.
Research Assistants
Karine Dancose (2012): project coordinator for the project on the spread of Lyme disease in Quebec
Dan Suter (2010-2012): project coordinator for the project on the spread of Lyme disease in Quebec
Jorge Gaitan Camacho (2011-2012): Lab coordinator for the Lyme disease project
Dan Suter (2010-2012): project coordinator for the project on the spread of Lyme disease in Quebec
Jorge Gaitan Camacho (2011-2012): Lab coordinator for the Lyme disease project
Undergraduate Students
BSc HonorsSiena Blier, Fall 2024-Winter 2025 - Trait-Mediated Resource Competition in a Multi-Species Distribution Model
Yasmin Oral, Fall 2022-Winter 2023 - Drivers of Body size structure in island mammal assemblages Matylda Wawro, Fall 2022-Winter 2023 - Fluctuating asymmetry in Castor canadensis in relation with changing climates and habitats Léa Bourget, Summer-Fall 2022 - Past and present state of biodiversity in the Caribbean: a survey of expert knowledge Kari Hollett, Fall 2020-Winter 2021 - The effect of visitor traffic on the pattern of abundance in the white-tailed deer at the Gault Nature Reserve. Cassia Foley, Fall 2016-Winter 2017 - Investigating the effect of climate warming on the diversity of Quebec mammals. Remi St-Gelais, Fall 2016-Winter 2017 - Morphometric analysis in north american small mammals to model interspecific competition. Samantha Morin, Fall 2015-Winter 2016 - The effects of climate and community size structure on distribution range in mammals. Anne Malcolm, Fall 2013-Winter 2014 - Incidence of broken tusks in narwhals (Monodon monoceros): functional and behavioral consequences. Justine Alexander, Fall 2009-Winter 2010 - Morphological changes and variation of rodents (Peromyscus) in the Monteregian sky islands. Sara Prado, Winter 2010-Summer 2010 - The effect of geographic barriers on the morphology of one ant species in the Monteregie, Southern Quebec. Summer StudentsLeia Swayze, McGill Bieler School of Environment BURA and QCBS Award, 2024
Rebekah Chen, McGill Department of Biology Summer Award, 2024 Corinne Lapierre, QCBS Award, 2024 Paule Mathieu, QES scholar, 2023 Irene Tovar, QES Scholar, 2023 Remi St-Gelais, NSERC USRA, 2017 Independent Studies and Research ProjectsSixtine Dietsch, BIOL 467, Fall 2023 - The effect of white-tailed deer browsing on the white trillium abundance and growth at the Gault Nature Reserve.
Matthew Kaufman, BIOL 466, Summer 2023 - Effect of deer habituation on vegetation growth in at the Gault Nature Reserve, Mont St Hilaire. Maxine Bisera, BIOL 466, Summer 2023 - Spatio-temporal pattern of human traffic at the Gault Nature Reserve. Nicole Stafiej, BIOL 468, Winter 2023 - Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) summer migrations through the Southeast Pacific Ocean. Olivier Hepler, BIOL 466, Fall 2022 - Simulation of species distribution pattern using cellular automata. Kourosh Namdar, BIOL 466, Winter 2022 - Diel activity pattern, sex ratio, and abundance of the white-tailed deer at the Gault Nature Reserve. Aaron Brimacombe, BIOL 377, Winter 2020 - Zoonotic diseases and migratory birds distribution in Canada. Rachel Rolland, BIOL 466, Winter 2019 - Foraging behaviour of parrotfishes in coral reef, Western Barbados. Maddie Schuster, BIOL 466, Winter 2019 - Community Size Structure and its variation with latitude among coexisting north American small mammals. Tess Baker, BIOL 468, Fall 2018 & Winter 2019 - Modeling outbreak patterns of infectious zoonotic diseases. Ellen Bidulka, BIOL 466, Fall 2018 - Distribution patterns of the white-tailed deer at the Gault Nature Reserve. Melissa Langley, BIOL 377, Winter 2018 - The impact of deer overpopulation at the Gault Nature Reserve. Simona Watts, BIOL 413, Winter 2018 - Patterns of emergence of infectious zoonotic diseases: implication for Lyme disease in Quebec. Cindy Huang, BIOL 377, Winter 2016 - The evolution of hominids on islands. Hsu Szu-Chen, BIOL 413, Fall 2015 - Extant and extinct venomous mammals. Ryan Smith, BIOL 466-467, Fall 2015 - Winter 2016 - Temporal change in composition and structure of mammal communities in Quebec. Kirsten Crandall, BIOL 466, Fall 2015 - Multispecies phenotypic variation in Quebec small mammals. Tanzina Rahanam, BIOL 466, Summer 2015 - Life history traits and parasite burden in small mammals from Southern Quebec. Klara Widrig, BIOL 466, Fall 2014 - Spatial variation in parasite load and diversity in the white-footed mouse in Southern Quebec. Julia Nordlund, BIOL 466, Winter 2014 - Modeling for multi-species analysis of range expansion under climate change. Marisol Valverde, BIOL 466, Fall 2013 - Fluctuating asymmetry in the femur of white-footed mouse in relation with parasite load. Marie-Claude Lafontaine, BIOL 396, Winter 2013 - The relation between stress level, parasite load and movement behavior in Peromyscus leucopus in a fragmented landscape in the Monteregie region. Laurence Levesque, BIOL 466-467, Fall 2012 - Winter 2013 - Morphological geographical variation among two coexisting species of island rodents. Xiaolei Liu, BIOL 466, Fall 2012 - Body size structure in island mammals. Chantal Cloutier, REDM 396, Winter 2012 - Testing the dilution hypothesis in the context of Lyme disease emergence in Quebec. Manon Albert, BIOL 466-467, Fall 2010-Winter 2011 - The evolution of bats on islands. Marilyne Caponi, NRS 497-498, Fall 2010 -Winter 2011 - Coat color variation in the red-backed vole Myodes gapperi. Robby Marotte, REDM 396, Winter 2011 - The effect of habitat structure and fragmentation on the distribution of P. leucopus in the Montérégie region. Eve Desplats, BIOL 466-467, Winter 2010-Summer 2010 - The effect of age on the skull morphology in two species of Peromyscus. Kate Krivy, BIOL 466, Fall 2010 - Morphological variation in the upper molars of the white-footed mouse Peromyscus leucopus. Jorge Gaitan Camacho, BIOL 466, Fall 2010 - Community composition and size structure of mammals on islands in SE Asia Brent Hopkins, BIOL 466, Fall 2009 - Variation in coat colour of the white-footed mouse (P. leucopus) and the deer mouse (P. maniculatus) at four Monteregian Hills Diana Ickx, BIOL 466, Summer 2009 - Environmental characteristics and sampling protocol in relation to habitat use by P. leucopus and P. maniculatus in Quebec Emilie Roy-Dufresne, NRS 497-498 Winter 2009 - Study of Peromyscus cranium morphological adaptations to food selection and their implication in Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec. Judy Dumont, BIOL 466-467, Fall 2008-Winter 2009 - Morphologocal Variation and Functional Adaptation in rodents of the Sciuridae and Echimyidae families Mehrnoush Shaffei, BIOL 468, Winter 2008 - Morphological differences in incisor size of Apodemus sylvaticus on islands off the Atlantic coast of France Rachel Verkade, NRS 497-498 Fall 2007 Winter 2008 - Of giant rats and pygmy goats: body size in island mammals Helene Bovy, BIOL 396, Winter 2007 - It’s all relative: revisiting the body mass estimates of Phoberomys Kanako Hasegawa, REDM 396, Summer 2007 - Microevolution of Peromyscus maniculatus and Peromyscus leucopus on Mont Saint Hilaire, Quebec. |
Work-Study Students
Maria Pescaru (Winter 2023), Josie Quigley (Summer 2022), Maria Cheerson Sun (Fall 2022), Léa Bourget (Fall 2022), Josie Quigley (Summer 2022), Shan Wang (Fall 2015 - Winter 2016), Szu-Chen Hsu (Fall 2015), Judy Deng (Fall 2015), Joshua Baik (Summer 2014 - Winter 2015), Samantha Morin (Fall 2013 - Fall 2014), Noreen Mohsin (Fall 2013 - Fall 2014), Meghan Shaw (Fall 2013 - Winter 2014), Shannon Duffy (Fall 2013 - Winter 2014), Julia Nordlund (Summer 2012 - Fall 2013), Krishanth Manokaran (Fall 2012 - Summer 2013), Marisol Valverde (Fall 2012 - Summer 2013), Brian Park (Fall 2012), Miranda Shi (Fall 2012 - Winter 2013), Bradley Marleau (Fall 2012), Xiaolei Liu (Winter 2012 - Summer 2012, Winter 2013), Jeff Xiang (Fall 2011 - Winter 2012), Heather McIntosh (Summer 2011), Jeongyoon Moon (Winter 2011), Mitran Metrahn (Winter 2011), Paoyun Tang (Fall 2008 - Winter 2011), Chloe Makepeace (Fall 2010 - Winter 2011), Jorge Gaitan Camacho (Winter 2010), Yolanda Huang (Winter 2010), Mira Kelada (Fall 2009-Winter 2010), Amelia Gagnon (Fall 2009 - Winter 2010), Corina Dransutavicius (Fall 2009), Jessica Tang (Fall 2008 - Winter 2009), Kanako Hasegawa (Fall 2007 - Winter 2008).
Current and Past Volunteers
Aaron Bosko, Daniel Monaco, Kirsten Crandall, Ravneet Rai, Dahn Hahm, Taylor Holroyd, Stephani Arulthas, Xiaolei Liu, Yeoji Kim, Yongsin Kim, Jorge Gaitan Camacho, Mira Kelada, Diana Ickx, Kanako Hasegawa, Anthony Howell, Claire Renwick, Elaine Radman, Meriah Schultz, Terri Kafyeke, Justine Alexander, Lauren Dawson, Members of the Société de Paléontologie du Québec, Clara Li, Rodrigo Lima, Keely Lefebvre, Eve Desplats, Kate Krivy, Stephanie Chiu, Amelia Gagnon, Peter Tarassoff.
Thank you for your help !